
    Hello visitor, welcome.

    All information entered here is immediately and securely sent to an internal mailing list, no information is retained on this server. For security reasons, we will also receive the IP address it was sent from.

    If you need to communicate with us securely, please provide us with the relevant details in the message and we will contact you once we have verified who you are. We can handle Telegram, Signal and Threema, but at a pinch we can also use Facetime and iMessage. For reasons of privacy we do not use Zoom, Webex, Skype or Teams, we can provide more secure video conference facilities.

    Your details will be handled according to Swiss privacy and European GDPR rules and will be retained for the explicit purpose of contacting you for specific reasons such as your current communication. They will not be used for marketing or handed to any third party other than where legally required.

    Anti-spam question + 35 = 43

    eighteen − 4 =